Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 10:Review Questions

How did John Quincy Adams envision the United States becoming the freest and mightiest nation in the world?
-John Quincy Adams envisioned the United States being the mightiest of all nations by encouraging the legislation by producing more commerce, manufacturing, elegant arts, and agriculture. John also intended to build a strong federal government with defenders of slavery and state rights advocates who followed the constitution.

How did democrats and Whigs differ in their understanding of American freedom and its relationship to governmental power?
-The democrats and the republicans differed in many issues. The two major ones would be regarding the second Bank of the United States and the Compromise of 1850.

What were the main characteristics of the American System?
-The main characteristics of the American system were many. Starting of with the separation of powers, or checks and balances. Something that was also important was the mercantilist economic plan which was divided in 3 parts. First was to protect and promote american industry as well as the national bank of commerce, and their roads.

What were the main arguments for and against Indian removal?
-There Indians had made many changes and had adapted to the American population by doing everything they could to be like the republican citizens. Many wanted them to be free because they believed that they remained in peace. Many stood to protect their rights.

How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing sectional differences in antebellum America? 
-The South felt threatened by the tariffs and therefore wanted to nullify an act of congress . This brought another big separation between the South and the North other than the one they already had regarding slavery.

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