Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 9:Review Questions

What were the major social effects of the market revolution?
The major social effects of the market revolution were many but most importantly the new technological inventions that bettered America's economy and production as well as new methods of transportation. In 1828 the first railroad appeared and allowed people and goods to move faster and cheaper at the same time, as well as canals which were first built in 1825. Thanks to Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793, cotton became a major crop in the south and the North. Later she would enable interchangeable parts for her invention.  The invention of the telegraph was one of the major inventions, invented by Samuel F.B. Morse in 1835. The telegraph enabled a better communication between the U.S. and Europe with the first transatlantic cable in 1858. The steamboat invented by Robert Fulton also made transportation easier, allowing goods and people to back and fourth in the canals and rivers, and eventually in sea. This era is called the market revolution for the changes there were in rapid transportation as well as manufacturing made easier.   

How did ideas of American freedom change in this period?
During this period there were many attempts to abolish slavery but none were successful. The only difference there was is that slaves were now being moved and sold. The farmers were changed into industrial workers due to the fact that many factories were made.In this period of time things didn't change much regarding women. Women were still kept working at home while men worked outside. A social norm called the "Cult of Domesticity" said that women were to educate and provide their children with moral guidance.

What revolutionary changes did slaves undergo in this period?
The North and the South grew apart significantly over the years and the reason was slavery. While the North wanted to abolish slavery all throughout the country, the South intended to expand it, believing it would be best for their economy. The North with "wage labor" and the many changes it was experiencing didn't feel the need for it. The South although there were several debates regarding slavery they still managed to keep it.

What role did immigration play in the market revolution?
The majority of immigration to America came from Ireland an Germany. Most of this migrants headed towards the North where they wouldn't have to suffer with slave labor. Families would migrate from Europe more constantly now that transportation had been accelerated. They would travel not only to the United States but also to Canada and Australia. Although there were many people migrating to the United States there were still the "Nativist" who were afraid of the what would happen with American political and social life. Immigrants were blamed for crimes and problems that occurred.

The second Great Awakening both took advantage of the Market Revolution and criticized its excesses. Explain this statement.
While the revivalist took advantage of all the new methods of transportation, they traveled and they spread their messages, by raising funds. Although the evangelical preachers were against this and the individualism that the market revolution was forming.

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