Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chapter 12:Review Questions

Explore why Americans had an impulse to improve American society in the first half of the nineteenth century.
-In the Second Great Awakening came it influenced many Americans to want to live a life free of sins. They were encouraged to take a "better" path of life, for the same reason many Americans petitioned against liquor, since alcoholism was seen as a bad habit, or even a sin. With the idea of liberty and a life free of sins many others started to protest for their rights, for example: slaves started to fight for their rights, as women encouraged equality between men and women.

Explain the significance of the abolitionist movement to the idea of American Freedom.
-The abolitionist movement was significant to the idea of "American Freedom" because it contradicted the values enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. When the abolitionist movement started to spread many rose against slavery and slaveholders, and insisted in slavery being abolished and after the allowing of the incorporation of slaves as equal citizens. Slaves deserved their freedom since they had already been tricked into war thinking that they were fighting for their but they never received their freedom as promised. The abolitionist movement encouraged both whites and slaves to fight for their freedom as the lower class whites also wanted equality, they fought for the idea of having the same opportunities as the rich whites and the chance to succeed into the upper class.

Analyze the pros and cons of the colonization movement and and why many black were opposed to it.
-The pros and cons of the colonization movement. For example: when the slaves were led free it was under the conditions that they would return to their homeland, Africa, other slaves left voluntarily. Many slaves were motivated by the idea to spread Christianity in Africa or to enjoy rights that were denied to them in the United States. Other slaves who had experienced the "legal" slavery of the South, and the social slavery of the North left because they thought that they could never be free in the United Stated and that they would always be oppressed. Other African Americans opposed to the idea of colonization, in fact they claimed their rights as Americans, since the United States was their land of birth. The slaves that were against colonization insisted that they had no intentions in being removed from their present homes and have to start all over in another country.

Why was this a period of institution building?
-This was a period of institution building because with the idea of the Second Great Awakening everyone in the United States was encouraged to purify their society. This is where all the abolitionist movements came in everyone started to fight for their rights, women, slaves, and the lower class whites. This was a period of revolutionary changes that were suppose to lead to a country that would be free of racism and discrimination, and with equality.

How did the abolitionist movement and the women's movement influence each other?
-The abolitionist movement and the women's movement influenced each other because they were both fighting for their rights. Both were fighting for their freedom as well as their rights and their rights as of being included and considered as part of American society. Both fought to make their voices be heard.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Chapter 11:Review Questions


Given that by 1860 the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nations factories, railroads, and banks combined.Explain how important slavery was to the national economy and the emergence of the United States as a great power.
-The slave population was essential to the United States, when cotton came to replace sugar as the worlds major  crop, it was all produced by slave labor. The United States (the south) became the "New World Slavery" after slavery was abolished in the British empire, and certain states of America. Slavery produced the Souths "white gold" as they called cotton. Cotton had become the most important commodity in international trade, it was so productive that three fourths of the worlds cotton supply came from the South, becoming the most important American export. Since slave trade from Africa was prohibited by the congress, slave trade took place within the United Sates. Slave owners bought, sold, and traded slaves at auctions. Everyone benefited from slave trade for example: southern newspapers carried advertisements for slave sales, the southern banks financed slave trading, southern ships and railroads carried slaves from place to place, and the municipalities earned revenue by taxing the sale of slaves. For the same reason the national economy of the United States depended on slave labor.

Describe slave culture, describe the similarities and differences among various regions.
-Although slaves were owned by their masters they managed to somehow keep their culture focusing in their family and church.The slave culture came from their African heritage, their dances and music were descendants from Africa as well as their ways of religious worships, and their methods of cures using herbs. Even though the slaves thought family was significant it was hard for them to maintain it due to the slave trade that was very common mostly among men. Slaves always feared the separation, slave communities had a higher number of female headed households.Each region had their own preacher, which would usually be a person who was also a slave.

Why did many white Southerners support slavery even when they did not actually own any slaves?
-Many white Southerners although they did not own any slaves they still supported slavery because they grew up with the believe that although they might not be as rich and wealthy as other whites, they were still white, and just for their color they were superior from the slaves, they were better. In way the Southerners could be called racist, although they did not own any slaves they still wanted them to stay as slaves just because they were dark skinned, they called them "dirty aliens", they did not even consider the slaves to be humans, if not animals.Most Southerners wanted to make themselves believe that even though they were not rich they were still better, they need to make the slaves feel as if they were less then them in order for them to feel better about themselves.

What meanings of freedom were most important to the slaves?
-The slaves although they did harsh labor they managed to keep some liberty which was very important to them. They centered on keeping themselves free in the way that they were not controlled completely and there wasn't always someone watching them. They also had the liberty to practice religion, although it usually had to be watched by at least one white person just to make sure that they were not planning anything against them. Although they were slaves they managed to become an important part of society.

What terms of slave resistance were practiced in the American South?
-There were many forms of slave resistance. One of the most famous event is known as The Amistad in 1839 which consisted of 53 slaves who took over a ship and made the captain take them to Africa. Another famous form of resistance is Nat Turners Rebellion which was when Turner led an uprising where he and other 80 slaves would kill whites. Small resistance would consist of slaves killing their masters whether it was by poisoning them or by refusing to obey to their demands.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 10:Review Questions

How did John Quincy Adams envision the United States becoming the freest and mightiest nation in the world?
-John Quincy Adams envisioned the United States being the mightiest of all nations by encouraging the legislation by producing more commerce, manufacturing, elegant arts, and agriculture. John also intended to build a strong federal government with defenders of slavery and state rights advocates who followed the constitution.

How did democrats and Whigs differ in their understanding of American freedom and its relationship to governmental power?
-The democrats and the republicans differed in many issues. The two major ones would be regarding the second Bank of the United States and the Compromise of 1850.

What were the main characteristics of the American System?
-The main characteristics of the American system were many. Starting of with the separation of powers, or checks and balances. Something that was also important was the mercantilist economic plan which was divided in 3 parts. First was to protect and promote american industry as well as the national bank of commerce, and their roads.

What were the main arguments for and against Indian removal?
-There Indians had made many changes and had adapted to the American population by doing everything they could to be like the republican citizens. Many wanted them to be free because they believed that they remained in peace. Many stood to protect their rights.

How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing sectional differences in antebellum America? 
-The South felt threatened by the tariffs and therefore wanted to nullify an act of congress . This brought another big separation between the South and the North other than the one they already had regarding slavery.

Chapter 9:Review Questions

What were the major social effects of the market revolution?
The major social effects of the market revolution were many but most importantly the new technological inventions that bettered America's economy and production as well as new methods of transportation. In 1828 the first railroad appeared and allowed people and goods to move faster and cheaper at the same time, as well as canals which were first built in 1825. Thanks to Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793, cotton became a major crop in the south and the North. Later she would enable interchangeable parts for her invention.  The invention of the telegraph was one of the major inventions, invented by Samuel F.B. Morse in 1835. The telegraph enabled a better communication between the U.S. and Europe with the first transatlantic cable in 1858. The steamboat invented by Robert Fulton also made transportation easier, allowing goods and people to back and fourth in the canals and rivers, and eventually in sea. This era is called the market revolution for the changes there were in rapid transportation as well as manufacturing made easier.   

How did ideas of American freedom change in this period?
During this period there were many attempts to abolish slavery but none were successful. The only difference there was is that slaves were now being moved and sold. The farmers were changed into industrial workers due to the fact that many factories were made.In this period of time things didn't change much regarding women. Women were still kept working at home while men worked outside. A social norm called the "Cult of Domesticity" said that women were to educate and provide their children with moral guidance.

What revolutionary changes did slaves undergo in this period?
The North and the South grew apart significantly over the years and the reason was slavery. While the North wanted to abolish slavery all throughout the country, the South intended to expand it, believing it would be best for their economy. The North with "wage labor" and the many changes it was experiencing didn't feel the need for it. The South although there were several debates regarding slavery they still managed to keep it.

What role did immigration play in the market revolution?
The majority of immigration to America came from Ireland an Germany. Most of this migrants headed towards the North where they wouldn't have to suffer with slave labor. Families would migrate from Europe more constantly now that transportation had been accelerated. They would travel not only to the United States but also to Canada and Australia. Although there were many people migrating to the United States there were still the "Nativist" who were afraid of the what would happen with American political and social life. Immigrants were blamed for crimes and problems that occurred.

The second Great Awakening both took advantage of the Market Revolution and criticized its excesses. Explain this statement.
While the revivalist took advantage of all the new methods of transportation, they traveled and they spread their messages, by raising funds. Although the evangelical preachers were against this and the individualism that the market revolution was forming.